Right now Comet 46P/Wiranen has been lighting up the sky although you need a telescope or binoculars to get a good look. This comet is not really showing a great tail, but it has a huge green coma surronding it's nucleus which is amazing for something that is only 1.4 km wide. The comet was closest to the Earth in mid-December, but I did not get out to photgraph it until December 22nd when I had a night of clear skies. This was taken in a light polluted suburb and with a full moon, so the data is not the greatest. I also struggled a little processing this one and will try to put that tuturial in a new post later.
For now, I just wanted to share this green ornament making its appearance near Earth and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Photo details:
Scope: SV90
Camera: Nikon D5300
Mount: Celestron AVX
Exposure: 110 x 30 seconds
Processing Software: PixInsight
More Comet 42P/Wiranen Details
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/46P/Wirtanen |